Software Install

This reference will help you install software necessary to setup your workshop environment

  1. AWS CLI
  2. jq

Install AWS CLI

The AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) is a unified tool that provides a consistent interface for interacting with all parts of AWS.


  • This includes:

    • AWS CloudShell

    • All native Linux installs

    • MacOS

    • Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)

    • Run the following command

      $ aws --version
      aws-cli/1.16.249 Python/3.6.8...
  • AWS CLI version 1.0 or higher is fine

  • If you instead got command not found then you need to install awscli:

     $ pip3 install awscli --upgrade --user
     ...(lots of output)...
     Successfully installed...
  • If that succeeded, then you are finished. Return to the Lab Guide

If that does not work, then do the following:

Other environments (not Linux)

STOP HERE and return to the Lab Guide


jq is a command-line JSON processor. is like sed for JSON data. It is used in the workshop bash scripts to parse AWS CLI output.

  • Run the following command

      $ jq --version
  • Any version is fine.

  • If you instead got command not found then you need to install jq.

Install jq

  • If you are using Amazon Linux (or Red Hat Enterprise Linux) run the following:

      sudo yum install jq
  • If using another Linux distro, then follow the instructions at

  • If that succeeded, then you are finished. Return to the Lab Guide

Alternate instructions for Linux

If the steps above did not work, and you are running Linux, then try the following

  1. Download the jq executable

     $ wget
     [...lots of output...]
     jq-linux64                    100%[=================================================>]   3.77M  1.12MB/s    in 3.5s
     2019-10-11 17:41:42 (1.97 MB/s) - ‘jq-linux64’ saved [3953824/3953824]
  2. You can find out what your execution path is with the following command.

     $ echo $PATH
  3. If you have sudo rights, then copy the executable to /usr/local/bin/jq and make it executable.

     $ sudo cp jq-linux64 /usr/local/bin/jq
     $ sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/jq
  4. If you do not have sudo rights, then copy it into your home directory under a /bin directory.

     $ cp jq-linux64 ~/bin/jq
     $ chmod 755 ~/bin/jq

Return to the Lab Guide to continue the lab